
Social Media Icons...Retro Fall Colors

Hey Latest Find readers!!

Today for you we have a few freebie sets of social media icons! We have 4 new color sets....you can grab all one color, mix and match 2 colors, or mix all 4!

The codes for these icons can be found HERE
Note there may be more than one page of icons once you get there!

For each color we have the following icons:
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, RSS, Google +, Email, Instagram, BlogLovin', Flickr, Etsy, Linked In, YouTube

We have a new system now of sharing our social media icons.  We are uploading each color scheme into its own album in Photobucket. 
From there, you can right click to save any of the icon images, or grab an HTML code or image URL.

When you get to the Photobucket album, hover your mouse over any of the icons and a dropdown will show up with the HTML code, direct link, and image link for that particular icon (see below image). Or you can right click on any of the icons to save the image to your computer and use them that way! Grab any you need, and feel free to mix and match the colors.

Helpful tip for using HTML codes for buttons...if you install your icons on your sidebar using the HTML codes (one right after another) to get the row of icons side by side, there is a code you can put in between each icon HTML code to create a larger space between the icons. It's all personal preference as far as how close together you want the icons...but if you want a bigger space, use the following code:

& nbsp;

use one for each space you want, but take out the space between the & and the nbsp;


<a href="http://s1154.photobucket.com/albums/p535/TheLatestFindIcons/Stitched%20Icons%20Blue%20Gray/?action=view&amp;current=d2af5012.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p535/TheLatestFindIcons/Stitched%20Icons%20Blue%20Gray/d2af5012.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>& nbsp;<a href="http://s1154.photobucket.com/albums/p535/TheLatestFindIcons/Stitched%20Icons%20Blue%20Gray/?action=view&amp;current=b6d24ce4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p535/TheLatestFindIcons/Stitched%20Icons%20Blue%20Gray/b6d24ce4.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Above I have two button codes, and have placed those characters between my button codes. (I have not taken out the space above...just remember to take the space out.) That will give me a bigger space between the two icons.
For other ways to link and install onto your blog, click HERE!

If you missed our sets of fall color icons, find one of them HERE.
  {Fall Color Icon Sets}

Want to see our other colors and styles of icons? Click HERE!

As previously stated, we have so many more adorable fall and Halloween colors coming out, so you'll definitely want to check back frequently! We'll help you keep your website in season! =)

Stay tuned for lots of crafty DIY project finds and yummy recipe finds also!