This first tutorial is for making these headband embellishments!(Tutorial number 2 will include how to attach them to the headband)
Materials needed:
beads for the rosette centers (pearls, or plastic "bling" beads, or even a cute button)
First you will cut a strip of fabric. I measured mine to be about 7 in. by 2 in. but I do end up trimming it later on (I will include that part later on in the tutorial).
Next you will pull on your two ends of thread on each end of the fabric strip, bunching your fabric ends closer together. Using your two ends of string, tie a knot underneath your ruffle circle.
Then, hot glue your two fabric ends together to hold the ruffle in a circle shape.
Next, cut a circle of felt slightly smaller than your fabric circle. Then you will make a spiral out of your felt circle. Starting at one edge, cut in a circular shape into the circle, and keep going around until you get to the center.
After rolling up your felt spiral, put some hot glue to attach the end of the spiral to itself. That will keep it together. You can glue along the way as you roll up the spiral, but I just glued the end after it was all rolled up.
Then simply hot glue the felt rose to the middle of your fabric circle.
Glue your bead(s), button, or anything you decide to use onto the middle of your felt spiral rose. Push down slightly as it is drying.
Then you're done making your embellishment!!
Instead of doing the felt spiral rose in the middle, you could use a fabric rosette.
Super simple, and adorable!
Stay tuned for a tutorial on attaching your embellishments to a headband, as well as how to make another cute flower for your headband!Linking up to...
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