Hi Latest Find readers! Here's a couple more Timeline banners I'm adding to the collection! To see the whole collection, click HERE!
These are backgrounds with borders, and they can be uploaded into any design/editing program you use to add text, pics, etc!
These are free to use for personal/commercial use, but no re-distributing, selling, or claiming as your own! For a water-mark free version of these, email thelatestfind@gmail.com for pricing info.
Just click on any of the images below to bring up a bigger, higher resolution version of the image. From there, right click and "Save as" then name your file, and save it to your computer!
Hope you enjoy the banners!!
Stay tuned for more finds!
Stay tuned for more finds!
First visit here? Be sure to check out all the digital freebies offered at The Latest Find...from gray/yellow Social Media icons to chevron/quatrefoil iPhone/iPad backgrounds and printables! Find them HERE!