
New Year Storage Organization Tips & Hacks


New Year Storage Organization Tips & Hacks

Kick off the new year with fresh storage organization tips and hacks to declutter and maximize your living space effortlessly. Follow these expert recommendations and productivity tips to stay organized throughout the year.

Start by understanding what areas of your house need the most organization and prioritize them. Break down large projects into smaller tasks and create a calendar blocking system to schedule dedicated time for decluttering and organizing.

Consider digitizing documents and outsourcing scanning services to save time. Ask yourself if each item in your home adds value and remove anything that doesn't. Use clever strategies like the "Maybe toss?" box to identify items you don't actually need. Enlist the help of organizing-savvy friends and seek inspiration from experts like Marie Kondo and The Home Edit.

Focus on finding new storage solutions and systems that work for your specific needs.

storage organization tips and hacks for the new year
A clean, modern closet or pantry with labeled containers and shelves for different items. A drawer organizer with compartments for socks, underwear, and accessories. A hanging shoe rack to maximize space and keep shoes easily accessible. A rolling cart with bins for laundry, cleaning supplies, and other household items. An over-the-door organizer for storing snacks and meal prep essentials. A DIY shelf system using recycled materials to organize crafting supplies or hobbies. A magnetic strip on the side of a cabinet to hold knives and metal kitchen utensils.

Key Takeaways:

  • Prioritize areas of your house that need organization
  • Create a calendar blocking system to dedicate time for decluttering
  • Digitize documents to save time
  • Remove items that don't add value to your home
  • Seek inspiration from organizing experts like Marie Kondo

Pantry Organization Tips

Start the new year by organizing your pantry for efficient meal planning and easier access to ingredients. Taking the time to declutter and implement storage solutions in your kitchen can make a world of difference. Here are some pantry organization tips to help you declutter with ease and create a functional space.

Group Similar Items Together

One of the first steps to pantry organization is taking everything out and grouping similar items together. This will help you see what you have and prevent duplicates or expired items from taking up space. Sort your items into categories such as canned goods, snacks, baking ingredients, and spices.

Toss Expired Items and Donate Unopened Non-Perishables

While sorting through your pantry, be sure to check expiration dates and toss any items that are past their prime. Consider donating any unopened non-perishable items that you won't use to food banks or local charities. This will not only declutter your pantry but also help those in need.

Use Clear Storage Containers and Label Them

Invest in clear storage containers to store dry goods like pasta, rice, and cereal. Not only will they keep your ingredients fresh, but they will also make it easier to see what you have. Labeling the containers will ensure that you can quickly identify the contents and find what you need without rummaging through the pantry.

Maximize Vertical Space with Risers or Shelves

Make the most of your pantry's vertical space by adding risers or shelves. This will allow you to store more items and keep everything visible and within reach. Utilizing vertical space is a great way to optimize your pantry's storage capacity.

Corral Snacks and Smaller Items with Baskets or Bins

Use baskets or bins to corral snacks or smaller items in your pantry. This will help keep everything organized and prevent smaller items from getting lost or cluttered. Consider using different-sized baskets to fit various types of snacks or items.

Create Sections or Zones Within Your Pantry

Creating sections or zones within your pantry can help you maintain an organized space. Dedicate specific areas for different food categories such as grains, canned goods, snacks, and baking supplies. This will make it easier to find items and keep your pantry tidy.

Benefits of Pantry OrganizationTips to Achieve Pantry Organization
1. Easier meal planning1. Group similar items together
2. Efficient grocery shopping2. Toss expired items and donate unopened non-perishables
3. Reduced food waste3. Use clear storage containers and label them
4. Time-saving4. Maximize vertical space with risers or shelves
5. Tidy and clutter-free pantry5. Corral snacks and smaller items with baskets or bins
6. Improved kitchen organization6. Create sections or zones within your pantry

By implementing these pantry organization tips, you can streamline your meal planning, grocery shopping, and overall kitchen organization. Decluttering with ease and utilizing storage solutions will make cooking and meal preparation a breeze. Take the time to organize your pantry at the beginning of the year, and it will set the tone for a more efficient and enjoyable kitchen experience.

Drawer Organization Tips

Organizing your drawers is a simple yet effective way to eliminate clutter and make items easy to find in the kitchen, bathroom, and other areas of your home. Follow these drawer organization tips to create a neat and functional storage space.

Kitchen Drawer Organization

In the kitchen, start by emptying each drawer and sorting items into categories. Get rid of duplicates and items you no longer need. To maximize space, consider using stackable acrylic drawer bins. These bins allow you to store kitchen essentials like utensils, gadgets, and measuring spoons in separate compartments. Label each section to quickly locate the items you need while cooking or baking.

Here's an example of how you can organize your kitchen drawers:

UtensilsSpatulas, whisks, tongs
GadgetsPizza cutter, can opener, peeler
Measuring ToolsMeasuring cups, spoons, scale

Bathroom Drawer Organization

In the bathroom, empty each drawer and categorize your toiletries and cosmetics. Discard expired products and items you no longer use. Utilize a bathroom vanity organizer to keep your items neatly arranged. Separate cosmetics, skincare products, and hair accessories using dividers or small containers. Label each section to easily find what you need during your daily routine.

Here's an example of how you can organize your bathroom drawers:

SkincareCleansers, moisturizers, serums
CosmeticsFoundation, blush, eyeshadow
Hair AccessoriesHair ties, clips, bobby pins

Implementing effective drawer organization in both the kitchen and bathroom will save you time and frustration when searching for specific items. Enjoy the convenience of having everything in its place, neatly organized and easily accessible.

drawer organizers
Create an image of a set of organized drawers with various-sized compartments. The drawers are filled with different types of items, such as socks, underwear, jewelry, and office supplies. Show how each type of item has its own designated compartment to keep everything tidy and easy to find. Use a neutral color scheme with pops of color to represent the different items in the drawers. Show labels or tags on the outside of each drawer to indicate its contents. The overall vibe should be clean and efficient, with a touch of playfulness.

Note: The provided image is an illustration of drawer organizers and does not depict the exact products mentioned above.

Fridge and Pantry Food Organization Tips

When it comes to kitchen organization, keeping your fridge and pantry well-organized is key to streamlining meal planning and reducing food waste. By implementing smart storage ideas, you can create a system that allows you to easily see what you have and prevents overbuying or forgetting about items. Here are some tips to help you keep your fridge and pantry organized:

  1. Declutter expired items: Regularly check the expiration dates of the items in your fridge and pantry. Remove any expired items and throw them away. This will free up space and ensure that you're only keeping fresh and usable ingredients.
  2. Group similar items together: Keep all your condiments together, fruits together, vegetables together, and so on. This makes it easier to find what you need and prevents items from getting lost in the back of the fridge or pantry.
  3. Use clear bins or containers: Store your food items in clear bins or containers to keep things organized and visible. This not only helps you see what you have but also prevents items from getting crushed or damaged. Label each container with its contents and expiration date for easy identification.
  4. Maximize space with stackable storage solutions: Consider using stackable storage solutions to make the most of the space in your fridge and pantry. This allows you to utilize vertical space and create additional storage areas.
  5. Utilize the inside of cabinet doors: Make use of the space on the inside of cabinet doors by attaching adhesive hooks or wire racks. Hang small items like measuring spoons or oven mitts to keep them easily accessible and free up drawer space.

Implementing these food organization tips will not only help you keep your fridge and pantry tidy but also make meal planning and grocery shopping a breeze. By having a well-organized kitchen, you'll save time and reduce food waste, leading to a more efficient and enjoyable cooking experience.

Kitchen Organization Tips for the Fridge and PantryBenefits
Declutter expired items- Frees up space
- Ensures freshness
- Reduces waste
Group similar items together- Easy to find ingredients
- Prevents items from getting lost
Use clear bins or containers- Keeps things organized
- Prevents crushing or damage
- Easy identification
Maximize space with stackable storage solutions- Utilizes vertical space
- Creates additional storage areas
Utilize the inside of cabinet doors- Keeps small items accessible
- Saves drawer space

Makeup and Cosmetic Storage Tips

Keeping your makeup and cosmetic products organized is essential for maintaining a clutter-free and functional vanity or bathroom counter. With the right storage solutions, such as the SpaceHacks 2 Pack Stackable Makeup Organizer and Storage, you can effortlessly achieve tidy spaces and smart organization.

Grouping similar items together and arranging them in a way that makes sense to you is the first step towards an organized makeup collection. Consider using drawer dividers or trays to separate different types of products, making it easier to find what you need.

"A well-organized makeup collection not only saves you time, but it also enhances your overall beauty routine." - Emily Johnson, Beauty Expert

Utilizing vertical space is crucial in maximizing your storage capacity. Look for acrylic organizers that stack or hang on walls, providing additional storage options for your growing makeup collection. This way, you can keep your everyday essentials within reach while storing less frequently used products in drawers or cabinets.

Implementing an organized makeup and cosmetic storage system not only saves you time but also adds convenience to your daily routine. With everything neatly arranged, you can effortlessly find and access your favorite products, ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable beauty experience.

The Benefits of the SpaceHacks 2 Pack Stackable Makeup Organizer and Storage

The SpaceHacks 2 Pack Stackable Makeup Organizer and Storage is an ideal solution for decluttering and organizing your makeup collection. Designed with practicality and style in mind, this acrylic organizer offers several benefits:

  • Ample Storage Space: With multiple compartments and drawers, you'll have enough room to store your entire makeup collection.
  • Easy Visibility: The transparent design allows you to see your products at a glance, saving you time when searching for specific items.
  • Durable and Easy to Clean: Made from high-quality acrylic material, this organizer is sturdy and easy to clean, ensuring long-lasting functionality.

By incorporating the SpaceHacks 2 Pack Stackable Makeup Organizer and Storage into your vanity or bathroom counter, you can achieve a stylish and organized space that reflects your personal aesthetic and promotes efficient daily routines.

Investing in smart organization tools like the SpaceHacks 2 Pack Stackable Makeup Organizer and Storage will revolutionize your makeup storage experience, offering a clutter-free and visually appealing solution for your cosmetic products.

Benefits of the SpaceHacks 2 Pack Stackable Makeup Organizer and Storage
Ample Storage Space
Easy Visibility
Durable and Easy to Clean

With an organized makeup collection, you'll not only save time, but you'll also enjoy a stress-free beauty routine. Make the most of your vanity or bathroom counter by implementing the right storage solutions and embracing smart organization strategies.

To experience the benefits of the SpaceHacks 2 Pack Stackable Makeup Organizer and Storage and transform your makeup storage, visit example.com today.

Acrylic Makeup Organizer
Create an image of an acrylic makeup organizer with a sleek and modern design, showcasing its ability to maximize storage space while keeping cosmetics organized and easily accessible. The organizer should feature multiple compartments of varying sizes, perfect for holding everything from lipsticks and eyeliners to larger items like foundation bottles and palettes. The overall aesthetic of the image should convey a sense of sophistication and style, with clean lines and a minimalist color palette. The makeup organizer should be shown in a well-lit, modern setting, perhaps on a vanity or dressing table, surrounded by complementary accessories such as brushes, mirrors, and other beauty tools.

Decluttering Strategies for a Fresh Start

When it comes to creating a clutter-free and organized home, decluttering is key. Start the new year with a fresh start by implementing effective decluttering strategies that will simplify your space and promote a sense of peace and tranquility. To help you get started, I've compiled some expert tips and methods to guide you through the decluttering process.

1. Evaluate Your Belongings

Take a close look at your belongings and ask yourself if each item adds value to your life. Be honest with yourself and consider whether you truly need or love each item. If an item no longer serves a purpose or brings you joy, it may be time to let it go.

2. Utilize Decluttering Methods

There are several decluttering methods you can choose from, depending on your preferences and goals. The popular KonMari method, introduced by Marie Kondo, encourages you to assess each item and keep only those that "spark joy." The Four-Box Method involves labeling four boxes with categories: Keep, Donate, Sell, and Trash. The 10-Percent Method challenges you to select the top 10 percent of items you love and use the most, while letting go of the rest. Choose a method that resonates with you and aligns with your decluttering objectives.

3. Set Goals and Prioritize Areas

Decluttering can feel overwhelming if you try to tackle your entire home at once. Instead, set goals and prioritize specific areas or rooms to declutter. Start with an area that bothers you the most or a space that needs the most attention. By breaking the task into smaller steps, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment and motivation as you see progress in each area.

4. Embrace Minimalism

Minimalism is a lifestyle that focuses on living with fewer material possessions and simplifying your space. Embrace minimalist principles by being intentional about what you bring into your home and consciously reducing clutter. Keep only the essentials and eliminate anything that doesn't serve a purpose or bring you joy. By simplifying your space, you'll create a serene and clutter-free environment.

5. Create a Plan and Take It One Step at a Time

To stay organized and motivated, create a decluttering plan and establish a timeline. Break down the decluttering process into manageable tasks and allocate specific time slots to complete each task. By taking it one step at a time, you'll avoid feeling overwhelmed and ensure that every area of your home receives the attention it deserves.

Decluttering StrategiesBenefits
Evaluate your belongings- Eliminate unnecessary items
- Create a clutter-free space
Utilize decluttering methods- Make systematic decisions
- Streamline the decluttering process
Set goals and prioritize areas- Stay focused and motivated
- See visible progress in decluttering
Embrace minimalism- Create a peaceful and serene environment
Simplify your space
Create a plan and take it one step at a time- Stay organized and avoid overwhelm
- Ensure thorough decluttering

By incorporating these decluttering strategies into your new year routine, you'll simplify your space, create a clutter-free environment, and experience the benefits of minimalism. Remember, decluttering is an ongoing process, so make a commitment to regularly assess your belongings and maintain an organized home.

Utilizing Storage Solutions

Maximize your storage space with innovative storage solutions that fit your specific needs. As part of creating a smart living environment, efficient storage is key to maintaining a functional home and optimizing space.

One strategy for efficient storage is to consider changing the location of frequently used items, such as kitchen utensils, to ensure they are within easy reach. This ensures that you can easily access the items you need when preparing meals or completing daily tasks.

Using plastic containers or clear bins can provide efficient storage for items that need to be easily viewed and accessed, such as small kitchen gadgets or craft supplies. The transparent containers allow you to see the contents at a glance, eliminating the need to search through multiple containers or boxes.

Creating a command center in a central location, such as a hallway or kitchen, can help you keep track of important dates, messages, and documents. Install a bulletin board or use a chalkboard or whiteboard to write down reminders, schedules, and to-do lists. This central hub will keep you organized and ensure that important information is always within sight.

To keep items organized and easily accessible, utilize storage bins, baskets, or shelves in different areas of your home. This can include using baskets to corral items in the living room or bedroom, installing shelves in the garage to store tools, or using storage bins in the bathroom to hold toiletries and cleaning supplies. These storage solutions help keep your belongings organized and prevent clutter from accumulating.

Exploring additional options such as slide-out shelves, under-sink storage, and cabinet organization systems can significantly enhance your space optimization efforts. Slide-out shelves allow you to maximize the use of deep cabinets, giving you easy access to items stored at the back. Under-sink storage solutions help you make the most of this often-underutilized space, allowing you to store cleaning supplies or extra toiletries. Cabinet organization systems, including drawer dividers and adjustable shelves, ensure that every inch of available space is utilized efficiently.

Implementing customized storage solutions designed for your specific needs will help you optimize space and keep your home neat and tidy. By making strategic use of storage containers, creating a command center, and exploring additional storage options, you can create a clutter-free and organized environment in your home.

Benefits of Utilizing Storage SolutionsExamples of Storage Solutions
Maximize storage spaceDrawer dividers
Keep items organized and accessiblePlastic containers or clear bins
Create a clutter-free environmentStorage bins, baskets, or shelves
Efficiently utilize every inch of available spaceSlide-out shelves, under-sink storage, cabinet organization systems

Evaluating Last Year's Organization Systems

Before embarking on your new year organization journey, it's essential to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization systems you implemented last year. By thoroughly reviewing your schedules, organization systems, budgets, and pain points, you can identify areas that need improvement and make adjustments accordingly.

Start by reflecting on what worked well and what didn't in terms of keeping your home organized. Consider the areas that caused the most stress or resulted in clutter accumulation. This evaluation will help you understand your priorities and set goals for the new year.

Once you have identified the areas for improvement, it's time to devise a plan. Utilize tools like an undated yearly planner to create a roadmap for organizing your space and managing your time effectively. Shelf organizers can help optimize storage areas, and budgeting software can assist in tracking expenses related to organization projects.

Take this opportunity to make adjustments to your existing organization systems. If certain methods or routines didn't yield efficient results, explore alternatives that align better with your needs and preferences. Remember to focus on prevention by identifying the root causes of organizational challenges and implementing strategies to mitigate them.

"The key to achieving an organized home is continuous improvement. By evaluating and improving last year's organization systems, you'll establish a solid foundation for an organized and clutter-free living space in the new year." - Organizing Expert

Areas for Evaluation and Improvement

AreaEvaluationImprovement Plan
SchedulesAssess the effectiveness of your time management strategies.Implement a calendar blocking system for dedicated organization time.
Organization SystemsEvaluate the efficiency of your storage solutions and processes.Invest in customized storage solutions tailored to your specific needs.
BudgetsAnalyze expenses related to organization projects.Create a budget to allocate resources for future organizational endeavors.
Pain PointsIdentify areas that caused stress or resulted in clutter accumulation.Devise strategies to prevent clutter accumulation and address pain points.

By evaluating and improving the organization systems you implemented last year, you'll have a solid foundation for an organized home in the new year. This proactive approach enables you to address challenges and create a harmonious living environment that promotes productivity and tranquility.

Creating a Cleaning & Decluttering Checklist

As I embark on my New Year organization journey, the first step is to create a cleaning and decluttering checklist. This checklist will serve as a roadmap to guide me through the process and keep me motivated along the way. To begin, I rank each room or area of my house in order of priority and create a timeline that suits my schedule.

Starting with common problem areas like countertops, cabinets, drawers, and closets, I tackle the decluttering process. I use different methods to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. For example, I may opt for the KonMari method, the Four-Box Method, or the 90/90 rule - whatever works best for me.

When decluttering, I clear off countertops and surfaces, taking the time to remove items that don't belong and finding designated places for everything. This creates a sense of order and eliminates unnecessary clutter. I find that having a checklist in hand allows me to stay focused and make the cleaning and organizing process more manageable.

Creating a cleaning and decluttering checklist not only helps me stay organized during the New Year, but it also serves as a reminder of the progress I've made and the tasks that still need to be done. It becomes a source of motivation, pushing me to achieve a clean and clutter-free home.

With my checklist in hand, I am ready to tackle the cleaning and decluttering process with confidence and enthusiasm. By following this organized approach, I know that I can achieve a fresh and clutter-free start to the New Year.

Choosing a Decluttering Method

When it comes to decluttering your home, selecting the right method is crucial for a successful outcome. There are various popular decluttering methods available, each offering unique approaches to tackle clutter and create an organized living space. Consider the following decluttering techniques to help you find the one that suits your needs and aligns with your organization goals:

KonMari Method

The KonMari Method, introduced by Marie Kondo, focuses on organizing and decluttering by category rather than room-by-room. It involves assessing each item's value and keeping only those that spark joy. By systematically decluttering and organizing belongings, this method aims to create a clutter-free and harmonious environment.

Four-Box Method

The Four-Box Method is a straightforward approach to decluttering. Gather four boxes or bins labeled "Keep," "Donate/Sell," "Trash," and "Relocate." As you go through your belongings, place each item into one of these boxes based on its relevance and usefulness. This method helps you make swift decisions and streamline the decluttering process.

10-Percent Method

The 10-Percent Method is a gradual approach to decluttering. Begin by decluttering a specific area, such as a room or closet, and commit to removing only 10 percent of the items within that space. This method allows you to declutter gradually over time, preventing overwhelm and ensuring thoughtful decision-making.

90/90 Rule

The 90/90 Rule encourages you to assess items based on their potential future use. If you haven't used an item in the past 90 days and don't anticipate needing it in the next 90 days, it's likely something you can let go of. This rule helps you evaluate your belongings objectively and reduce unnecessary clutter.

Alongside these decluttering methods, there are several organization ideas and hacks that can support your journey to a clutter-free home. One effective strategy is to incorporate hidden storage solutions into your living space. Optimize under-bed storage, utilize wall-mounted shelves, or invest in furniture with hidden compartments. These solutions enable you to maximize your space while maintaining a clean and organized environment.

No matter which method you choose, the primary goal is to create a clutter-free and well-organized home. Consider your preferences and objectives to select a decluttering method that resonates with you. Implementing organization ideas and utilizing hidden storage solutions will further enhance your decluttering efforts and enable you to maintain an organized living space.

Top 3 Things You Need to Organize in the New Year

As we embark on a new year, it's the perfect time to get organized and create a clutter-free home. To start your organization journey off right, here are the top 3 things you need to focus on: your goals, budget, and priorities.

Setting Realistic and Actionable Goals

When it comes to home organization, it's crucial to set realistic and actionable goals. Take some time to assess the areas of your home that need organization and determine what you want to achieve in each space. Whether it's decluttering your closet, creating a functional pantry, or establishing a command center, setting specific goals will help guide your organization efforts.

Remember, setting achievable goals will keep you motivated and ensure that you're making progress in your organization journey.

Creating a Budget for Organization

Organizing your home doesn't have to break the bank. Take the time to create a budget that aligns with your organization goals. Consider how much you're willing to spend on organizing tools, storage solutions, and any professional services you may need.

By establishing a clear budget, you'll have boundaries in place for your time, storage space, and emotional energy. This will help you prioritize your purchases and stay on track throughout the organization process.

Determining Your Priorities

Every home has different priorities when it comes to organization. It's important to determine what matters most to you and your household. Consider the areas that cause the most stress or frustration and prioritize those spaces for organization.

When deciding what to keep and what to discard, use your priorities as a guide. Focus on decluttering items that no longer serve a purpose or bring value to your home. By aligning your organization efforts with your priorities, you'll create a more functional and peaceful living environment.

As you embark on your organization journey, consider utilizing various organization tools to support your efforts. These can include the Take Back Control Guide + Binder for tracking your progress, closet hanging organizers for maximizing space, clear bins for easy storage, and command centers for staying organized. These tools will assist you in achieving an organized and clutter-free home in the new year.

To summarize, when it comes to organization in the new year, make sure to prioritize your goals, establish a budget, and determine your priorities. By focusing on these key areas and utilizing organization tools, you'll set yourself up for success in creating an organized and stress-free home.


Kick off the new year with a fresh start by implementing storage organization tips and hacks. By decluttering and maximizing your living space, you'll create a clean and organized environment that promotes efficiency and peace of mind.

Evaluate last year's organization systems, set goals, and prioritize areas of your home that need the most attention. Choose a decluttering method that resonates with you and follow expert tips and strategies to simplify your space. Utilize storage solutions and organization tools to optimize space and create functional storage areas.

By creating a cleaning and decluttering checklist, you'll stay focused and motivated throughout the process. Remember to choose a decluttering method that works for you and prioritize the top 3 things you need to organize in the new year. With these tips and hacks, you'll be on your way to a clutter-free and organized home in the new year.


How can I effectively declutter and maximize my living space in the new year?

Start by understanding which areas of your house need the most organization and prioritize them. Breakdown large projects into smaller tasks and create a calendar blocking system. Consider digitizing documents and removing items that don't add value to your home. Seek inspiration from experts and focus on finding new storage solutions that work for your specific needs.

What are some tips for organizing a pantry?

Empty your pantry, group similar items together, toss expired products, and donate unopened non-perishables. Use clear storage containers to store dry goods and label them for easy identification. Consider adding risers or shelves to maximize vertical space and use baskets or bins to organize snacks or smaller items.

How can I organize my drawers in the kitchen and bathroom?

Empty each drawer and sort items into categories. Get rid of duplicates and items you no longer need. Use drawer organizers or dividers to create separate compartments and keep frequently used items within easy reach. Label each section for quick identification. In the kitchen, consider using stackable acrylic drawer bins, and in the bathroom, utilize a vanity organizer to keep toiletries and cosmetics organized.

How can I keep my kitchen fridge and pantry well-organized?

Declutter expired items and remove unnecessary packaging. Group similar items together and use clear bins or containers to store them. Label each container with its contents and expiration date. Consider using stackable storage solutions to maximize space. Utilize the inside of cabinet doors with hooks or wire racks to hang small items. This system will help you see what you have and prevent overbuying or forgetting about items in your fridge and pantry.

What are some tips for organizing makeup and cosmetic products?

Use stackable makeup organizers or similar acrylic organizers to keep your products visible and accessible. Group similar items together and arrange them in a way that makes sense to you. Utilize vertical space with organizers that stack or hang on walls. Keep everyday essentials within reach and store less frequently used products in drawers or cabinets.

How can I start fresh and declutter my home?

Evaluate your belongings and ask yourself if each item adds value to your life. Donate or sell anything that no longer serves a purpose. Utilize decluttering methods like the KonMari method or other systematic approaches. Set goals for decluttering specific areas of your home and establish a plan to tackle them one at a time. Focus on simplifying your space for a more peaceful and organized home.

How can I maximize my storage space?

Consider changing the location of kitchen utensils to ensure they are within easy reach. Use clear bins to store items that need to be easily viewed. Create a command center to keep track of important dates and messages. Utilize storage bins, baskets, or shelves to keep items organized and accessible. Explore slide-out shelves, under-sink storage, and cabinet organization systems to efficiently utilize every inch of available space.

How should I evaluate last year's organization systems?

Review your schedules, organization systems, budgets, and pain points to identify areas that need improvement. Determine what worked well and what didn't, and establish priorities and goals for the new year. Consider using tools like an undated yearly planner, shelf organizers, or budgeting software to stay organized. Make adjustments to your systems and take steps to prevent the same mistakes from happening again.

What should I include in my cleaning and decluttering checklist for the new year?

Rank each room or area of your house in order of priority and create a timeline. Start by decluttering common problem areas like countertops, cabinets, drawers, and closets. Develop a method that works for you and establish designated places for everything. Use cleaning and decluttering checklists as a guide to make your New Year cleaning and organizing process more manageable.

How do I choose the right decluttering method?

Consider popular methods like the KonMari method, the Four-Box Method, the 10-Percent Method, or the 90/90 rule. Find an approach that resonates with you and aligns with your organization goals. Utilize organization ideas and decluttering hacks such as hidden storage solutions to maximize space and create a clutter-free environment.

What are the top 3 things I need to organize in the new year?

Set realistic and actionable goals for yourself and your home organization. Create a budget to establish boundaries for your time, storage space, and emotional energy. Determine your priorities and use them as a guide when making decisions about what to keep and what to discard. Explore organization tools to support your organization efforts.