Happy 4th of July!!!
Today I'm sharing a tutorial on how to make a rosette embellishment out of grosgrain ribbon.
A few weeks ago I made a pillow cover to cover an older square pillow that wasn't looking its best. After seeing some adorable projects using drop cloth, I decided to use that for my pillow cover, along with damask fabric and grosgrain ribbon. After creating the pillow cover, I had a tiny bit of the grosgrain ribbon left over, so I decided to make a rosette embellishment with it to add a little something to the pillow.
My ribbon is 1 1/2 in. grosgrain.
I started off by folding the ribbon in half longways and ironing it down to make the next step a little easier.
Using a needle and thread, I sewed the edges together using a wide stitch, so that once I got to the end of the ribbon, I could pull on the the thread to crinkle up the ribbon like an accordian to create ruffling.
Once ribbon is completely crinkled, roll it up into a rosette form.
I hot-glued a button onto the center of the rosette, and then attached it to my pillow!
Now the pillow is completely finished!
For other ribbon rosette embellishing ideas such as this one:
click HERE!
For other ribbon rosette embellishing ideas such as this one:
click HERE!
Hope everyone has a fantastic 4th of July, especially everyone that gets the day off from work. Enjoy your day!!